Chapter 11: Extending Volume

11.1: Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles


A base of a parallelogram is any side of a parallelogram.
The height of the parallelogram is the length on a line segement perpendicular to the base connect to the opposite side.
The area addition postulate states that the area of a polygon is the sum of all non overlapping parts that make up the polygon.
The base of a triangle can be any side, similar to a parallelogram.
The height of a triangle is the length of an alitude from the base.
The area conguence postulate states that if the triangles are congruent, then the area is congruent.

Triangles and Parallelograms


The height of \(ABCE\) from base \(\overline{EC}\) is the length of \(\overline{AD}\). According to the area addition postulate, \(area of ABCE = area of ADE + area of BADC\). The height of \(\delta ADE\) from base \(\overline{AE}\) is the length of \(\overline{FD}\).

11.2: Volumes of Prisms and Cylinders

11.3: Volumes of Pyramids and Cones

11.4: Spheres

11.5: Spherical Geometry

11.6: Volume and Nonrigid Transformations

11.7: Applying Measurements